Ann E. Stuart




1974-75                       Co-instructor, �The Nervous System of the Leech,� Cold Spring Harbor                                     Laboratory, Summers

1980‑83   Member, Visual Disorders Study Section, NIH     

1979‑83   Trustee, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole

1983‑90   Associate Editor, Journal of Neuroscience

1983‑86   Program Committee, Society for Neuroscience

1986‑93   Trustee, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole

1989-92                       Committee to Select Grass Lecturer, Society for Neuroscience

1992-94                       Member, Review Panel, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Postdoctoral Research Fellowships for Physicians Program

1993-97                      Member, Science Council, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole (elected position to advise the Director of the Laboratory on scientific matters)

1995, 97                      Member, Review Panel, National Research Council, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Predoctoral Fellowships in Biological Sciences Program

2001-03                       Member, Advisory Committee on Brain Education, Biological Sciences Curriculum Study.  Advisory panel for �The Brain: Our Sense of Self� for middle school students

Ongoing                       Reviewer for Journal of Comparative Neurology, Journal of  Neurochemistry, Journal of Neurophysiology, Visual Neuroscience, Journal of Neuroscience, Biological Bulletin





1973‑1978   Research Career Development Award, NEI

1980                            R. J. Reynolds Junior Faculty Development Award

1981                            The MBL Award,  Best Scientific Paper, General Scientific Meetings at                              the  Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA

1982                            Fight for Sight Citation for Best Poster in Basic Research at the Annual                                                 Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology

1989 -1996; 1998        Best First Year Medical Course Teaching Award  (Medical Neurobiology,) Member of the course faculty team in these years



1997 -  2004                Member, Breast Center Advisory Board, UNC Hospitals

1999 -  present            Member, Renaissance Award Committee for Dept. of Cell and Molecular Physiology.

1999 - 2000                 Member, Search Committee for Chair of Neurology, UNC

2000                            Member, committee to evaluate Dr. Anthony LaMantia for tenure

2001                            Member, committee to evaluate Dr. Richard Cheney for tenure

2001                            Chair of committee to evaluate Dr. Carol Otey for reappointment

2001 � 2004                Member of the Board, Association of Women Faculty and Professionals

2003 � present            Member, Committee to Review Appointments to Associate Professor, UNC Medical School

2003 � present            Member, Graduate Committee, Dept. Cell and Molecular Physiology

2004                            Member, committee to evaluate Dr. Anthony LaMantia for promotion

2004 �                         Co-director of Graduate Studies, Dept. Cell and Molecular Physiology

2004 �                         Member, Subcommittee on Graduate and Professional Programs, SACS reaccreditation project



2000 � present            Member, Standing Committee on Housing and Child Care

2001 -- 2002               Member, Scientific Advisory Committee on MBL Web Site

2002                            Member, Task Force Planning Future Facilities and Housing, MBL

2003 � present            Member, Standing Committee on the Joint MBL/Woods Hole Oceanographic Library

2004 �                         Instructor, Summer Program in Neuroscience and Ethics



2002                            Medical Neurobiology

Lab instructor in neuroanatomy

lecturer on hearing

2000 - present            Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (NBIO 222-223)

Course Director

Lecturer on photoreceptors, vision, hair cells, hearing, and basic electrophysiology

2000 - present            Physiology 93

All lectures in the neuroscience portion of the course

Organizer/instructor of lab using the interactive computer program Neurons in Action

2003 � present            Written and oral presentation of scientific information (PHYS 205-206)

                                                Course director





Ph.D. and M.S. Students:       

                        Duane R. Edgington ‑ Ph.D. 1978

                        Leslie C. Timpe ‑ Ph.D. 1982

                        Lynne A. Oland ‑ Ph.D. 1985

                        Jon H. Hayashi ‑ Ph.D. 1986

                        Betsy Kempter - M.S. 1996

                        Kevin Martin - completing his degree in Computer Science Dept.

                        Matt Thimgan � current


Postdoctoral Fellows and current positions: 

                        William N. Ross, Dept. of Physiology, New York Medical College, Valhalla

                        Donata Oertel, Dept. of Neurophysiology, Univ. of  Wisconsin

                        Bruce J. Schnapp, Vollum Institute, Oregon Health and Science Univ.

                        Kathleen A. French,  Dept. of Biology, Univ. of California, San Diego

                        Ralph E. Davis,  Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of  Wisconsin

                        Joseph C. Callaway, Dept. of Anatomy/Neurobiology, U. Tenn. Memphis

                        Sanja Raucher, M.D. in private practice


Undergraduate Honors Thesis Research:     

Stephanie A. Call - 1989- (Awarded the Wilson Prize of the Biology Department  for this work)

Jennifer Morgan -1995 - currently postdoctoral fellow, Yale University

Stacy N. Vogel - 1999 � currently in graduate school



Symposium Speaker, 9th International Congress of Eye Research, Helsinki, July 1990

Participant, 13th Taniguchi Symposium, Lake Biwa, Japan, November 1990

Symposium Speaker, FASEB Conference on Visual Processing, Saxton�s River, VT, June 1994

Lecturer, NATO Advanced Study Course in Neuronal Circuits, Erice, Sicily, June 1997

Third Annual Distinguished Marine Neuroscientist, University of Miami, May, 2002



�Neural Mechanisms in Processing Visual Information�

Principal Investigator: Ann E. Stuart, PhD

Agency: National Eye Institute

Type: RO1 - EY03347 1997-2000 - $438,553 Direct Costs

The major goals of this project were to describe the uptake of histamine and its precursor, histidine, into the presynaptic terminal of an arthropod photoreceptor and into surrounding glia, the control of uptake, and its importance to maintaining the transmitter supply and to signal transfer.


�Identifying the Molecular Transporter for Histamine�

Principal Investigator: Ann E. Stuart, PhD

Agency: University Research Council of the University of North Carolina

Type: Pilot funds for new directions. 2000-2002 - $3,550

This award is providing supply monies to support pilot experiments and the importing of new techniques to the lab in preparation for attempting to clone a histamine transporter.


�Identifying and Characterizing the Molecular Transporter for Histamine�

Principal Investigator: Ann E. Stuart, PhD

Agency: Medical Alumni Endowment Fund

Type: Pilot fund for new directions. 2001-2002 - $5,000

This award is providing supply monies to support pilot experiments and the importing of new techniques to the lab in preparation for attempting to clone a histamine transporter.


�Identifying and characterizing histamine transporters�

Principal Investigator: Ann E. Stuart, PhD

Agency: National Institute of Mental Health

Type: R21 � MH65501  4/1/02 � 3/31/04 - $200,000 Direct Costs

The specific aims of this project are to clone a histamine transporter from an invertebrate (Drosophila, Balanus, Limulus), express this protein in oocytes, and characterize it using electrophysiological techniques.



�Making Neurons in Action minimovies for PowerPoint presentations�

Principal Investigator: Ann E. Stuart, PhD

Agency: UNC/IBM Instructional Technology Development Grant Program

Type: Development of new instructional technology �- $2,500 (awarded in 2002 but funding on hold due to NC budget)




Educational CD-ROM and Manual with Hyperlinked Tutorials:

Moore, J.W. and Stuart, A.E. (2000) Neurons in Action: Computer Simulations with NeuroLab.  Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc.  ISBN 0-87893-538-X.  (Second ed. 2001)

            Website and explanatory film:


Peer-reviewed articles:

Stuart, A.E. (1969).  Excitatory and inhibitory motoneurons in the central nervous system of the leech.  Science 165, 817‑819.

Stuart, A.E. (1970).  Physiology and morphological properties of motoneurons in the central nervous system of the leech.  J.Physiol. 209, 627‑646.

Hagiwara, S., Eaton, D.C., Stuart, A.E. and Rosenthal, N.P. (1972).  Cation selectivity of the resting membrane of squid axon.  J.Memb.Biol. 9, 373‑384.

Stuart, A.E., Hudspeth, A.J. and Hall, Z.W. (1974).  Vital staining of specific monoamine‑containing cells in the leech nervous system. Cell Tiss. Res. 153, 55‑61.

Ozawa, S., Hagiwara, S., Nicolaysen, K. and Stuart, A.E. (1976).  Signal transmission from photoreceptors to ganglion cells in the visual system of the giant barnacle.  Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant.Biol. XL, 536‑570.

Hudspeth, A.J. and Stuart, A.E. (1977).  Morphology and responses to light of the soma, axon and terminal regions of individual photoreceptors of the giant barnacle.  J.Physiol. 272, 1‑23.

Hudspeth, A.J., Poo, M.M. and Stuart, A.E. (1977).  Passive signal propagation and membrane properties in median photoreceptors of the giant barnacle.  J.Physiol. 272, 25‑43.

Ross, W.N. and Stuart, A.E. (1978).  Voltage sensitive calcium channels in the presynaptic terminals of a decrementally‑ conducting photoreceptor. J.Physiol. 274, 173‑191.

Stuart, A.E. and Oertel, D. (1978).  Neuronal properties underlying processing of visual information in the barnacle nervous system. Nature 275, 287‑290.

Edgington, D.R. and Stuart, A.E. (1979).  Calcium channels in the high resistivity axonal membrane of photoreceptors of the giant barnacle. J.Physiol. 294, 433‑445.

Oertel, D. and Stuart, A.E. (1981).  Transformation of signals by interneurons in the barnacle�s visual pathway.  J.Physiol. 311, 127‑146.

Edgington, D.R. and Stuart, A.E. (1981).  Properties of tetraethyl‑ammonium ion‑resistant K+ channels in the photoreceptor membrane of the giant barnacle.  J.Gen. Physiol. 77, 629‑646.

Oland, L.A., French, K.A., Hayashi, J.H. and Stuart, A.E. (1983). The lateral visual pathway of the giant barnacle. J.Neurophysiol. 49, 516‑527.

Schnapp, B.J. and Stuart, A.E. (1983).  Synaptic contacts between physiologically identified neurons in the visual system of the barnacle. J.Neurosci. 3, 1100‑1115.

Timpe, L.C. and Stuart, A.E. (1984).  Is Gamma‑aminobutyric acid the neurotransmitter of barnacle photoreceptors?  Brain Res. 307, 225‑231.

Kaneko, A. and Stuart, A.E. (1984).  Coupling between horizontal cells in the carp retina revealed by diffusion of Lucifer Yellow.  Neurosci.Letters 47, 1‑7.

Timpe, L.C. and Stuart, A.E. (1985).  Acetylcholine depolarizes barnacle photoreceptors.  J.Exp. Biol. 117, 481‑485.

Hayashi, J.H., Moore, J.W., and Stuart, A.E. (1985).  Adaptation in the input/output relation of the synapse made by the barnacle�s photoreceptor.  J.Physiol. 368, 179‑195.

Oland, L.A. and Stuart, A.E. (1986).  Pattern of convergence of the receptors of the barnacle�s three ocelli onto second‑order cells. J.Neurophysiol. 55, 882‑895.

Oland, L.A., Stuart, A.E., Hayashi, J.H., Callaway, (1987).  Voltage spread in an identified interneuron of the barnacle�s visual system. J.Neurophysiol. 58, 1420-1430.

Davis, R.E. and Stuart, A.E. (1988).  A persistent TTX-sensitive sodium current in an invertebrate neuron with neurosecretory ultrastructure.  J.Neuroscience. 8:3978-3991.

Callaway, J.C., Stuart, A.E., and Edwards, J.E. (1989). Immunocytochemical evidence for the presence of histamine and GABA in the photoreceptors of the barnacle, Balanus nubilus. Vis. Neurosci. 3:289-299.

Callaway, J.C. and Stuart, A.E. (1989). A comparison of the responses to light and to GABA of cells postsynaptic to barnacle photoreceptors (I-cells). Vis. Neurosci. 3:301-310.

Callaway, J.C. and Stuart, A.E. (1989). Biochemical and physiological evidence that histamine is the transmitter of barnacle photoreceptors. Vis. Neurosci. 3:311-325.

Gwilliam, G.F. and Stuart, A.E. (1990).  Characteristics of neurones projecting from the supraesophageal ganglion in the shadow reflex pathway of the barnacle.  J. exp. Biol. 151:83-107.

Battelle, B-A., Calman, B.G., Andrews, A.W., Greico, F.D., Mleziva, M.B., Callaway, J.C., and Stuart, A.E. (1991).  Histamine: a putative afferent neurotransmitter in Limulus eyes. J. Comp. Neurol. 305:527-542.

Hayashi, J.H. and Stuart, A.E. (1993). Currents in presynaptic terminals of barnacle photoreceptors. Vis. Neurosci. 10:261-270

Callaway, J.C., Lasser-Ross, N., Stuart, A.E., and Ross, W.N. (1993) Dynamics of intracellular free calcium concentration in the presynaptic arbors of individual barnacle photoreceptors. J.Neurosci. 13:1157-1166.

Stuart, A.E., Morgan, J.R.,  Mekeel, H.E. Kempter, E., and Callaway, J.C. (1996)  Selective, activity-dependent uptake of histamine into an arthropod photoreceptor. J. Neurosci. 16:3178-3188.

Callaway, J.C. and Stuart, A.E. (1999) The distribution of histamine and serotonin in the barnacle�s nervous system.  Microscopy Research and Technique 44:94-104

Morgan, J.R., Gebhardt, K.A., and Stuart, A.E. (1999) Uptake of precursor and synthesis of transmitter in a histaminergic photoreceptor.  J. Neurosci. 19:1217-1225.

Stuart, A.E., Mekeel, H.E., and Kempter, E.  (2002) Uptake of the neurotransmitter histamine into the eyes of larvae of the barnacle (Balanus amphitrite) Biol. Bull. 202:53-60.

Stuart, A.E, Gebhardt, K.A., Vogel, S.N., Rodriguez, O.  (2002) Does the neurotransmitter transporter underlie adaptation at a histaminergic photoreceptor synapse? Vis. Neurosci. 19:1-13.


Reviews and chapters:

Stuart, A.E. (1983).  Vision in Barnacles.  Trends in Neurosciences 6, 137‑140.

Stuart, A.E., Hayashi, J.H., Moore, J.W., and Davis, R.E. (1986).  Currents in the synaptic terminals of barnacle photoreceptors. In Calcium, Neuronal Function, and Transmitter Release, R. Rahamimoff and B. Katz, eds.  Martinus Nijhoff.  pp. 443‑455.

Lasser-Ross, N., Callaway, J.C., Stuart, A.E., and Ross, W.N. (1991).  Calcium dynamics in the presynaptic terminal of barnacle photoreceptors. in Calcium entry and action at the presynaptic nerve terminal, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences  635:475-476.

Stuart, A.E. and Callaway, J.C. (1991). Histamine: the case for a photoreceptor�s neurotransmitter. Neurosci. Res. Suppl. 15, S13-S23.

Edgington, D.R. and Stuart, A.E. (1991). Responses to light generated in the presynaptic terminals of barnacle photoreceptors. in Basic Neurobiology: Half a Century and Future, Proc. of 16th SEIRIKEN Conf., H. Ohmori and S. Ebashi, Eds.  Biomed. Res. Foundation, Tokyo.

Stuart, A.E. (1999) From fruit flies to barnacles, histamine is the neurotransmitter of arthropod photoreceptors.  Neuron 22:431-433.




updated 9/23/04