Born to John Watson Moore & Marjorie McAlpine Moore
May 2, 1930 in Winston Salem, NC .
Married Francis M. Perrin June 12, 1953 in Winston Salem NC
Nursing Career:
1950-1956 Red Cross Educator for midwives, mothers and child care
1969-1971 Director of Inservice Education, Fifth Ave Hospital,
Huntsville, AL
1968-1971 Asst. Prof of Nursing, John C Calhoun Jr College. Decater, AL
1972-1989 Assist., then Asoc. Prof . Univ. of Alabama, Huntsville AL
1986-1989 Dir. of RN to BSN Education
1989-1992 Dir. Nursing Education, Humana Corp., Louisville, KY
1992-1997 Dean, School of Nursing & Health Sciences, Spalding Univ. Louisville KY
2006 First Recipient of National Health Ministries Award
1997 - - - Nursing Consultant
Health Minisry Office Presbyterian Church, Louisville, KY
Health Minisry Commity Second Presbyterian Church, Louisville, KY
Galen College of Nursing, Louisville, KY
Developed curriculum for Associate Degree in Nursing
Board Member 2006-2009
Spalding University, School of Nursing, Louisville, KY
Marge died peacefully at home on Sunday, September 4, 2011. After burial in xxCemetary, a Memorial service was held at Second Presbyterian Church, 3701 Old Brownsboro Road. As part of the service, Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus" was sung by the Choir, accompanied by Organ and Trumpet.
Her church established a scholarship in her name at Spalding University (Right click to open in new window)
where she had been Dean of Nursing