Born: to John Watson Moore & Marjorie McAlpine
Sept 16, 1927 in Winston Salem, NC
R. J. Reynolds HIgh,
Winston Salem, NC
BS 1949, Davidson College, Davdson, NC
PhD in Biochemistry, 1956, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
National Cancer Institute, N I H, Bethesda, Md.
Post-Doctoral Fellow and then an employee
Died of Hodgkin's Disease, Mar. 1959.
He was under treatment with several different experimental drugs at the NIH Hospital. This condition is now treatable and controlled with more modern drugs. His planned career in medicine was blocked when this cancer was detected during a medical examination for entry into medical school. Therefore he switched to a career in medical science, obtaining an advanced degree in Biochemistry.
Memorial Scholarship at Davidson College
Tom's older brother, John Wilson, set up a scholarship in his name at Davidson and added to it over the years. A Davidson classmate whom Tom had befriended become an Executive in a large corporation and later (about 2000) gave a substantial addition to Tomas B. Moore Scholarship, taking it over the $50,000 mark and allowing it to be a Named Scholarship. In 2010 its value was about $90,000 and John's name joined Tom's and it is now listed as the Thomas B. and John W. Moore Scholarship. John has designated in his will that his cottage at Emerald Isle, NC, be donated to Davidson College for this Scholarship.
Photo of John and Tom at Atlantic City, NJ, where they enjoyed a meeting of FASAB (the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology)