to John Wilson Moore & Ann Elizabeth Stuart
Feb, 24 1983, Chapel Hill, NC
Computer Activities
1999 The Videographers Awards "Award of Distinction"
for video entitled 'Cells in White'
2000 The Videographers Awards "Award of Distinction"
for video entitled 'TV ad for Aquarius Digital Arts'
2001 The Videographers Awards "Honorable Mention"
for video entitled 'Movie trailer for Hamlet'
2002 The Videographers Awards "Honorable Mention"
for video entitled 'Neurons in Action promotional video'
1999-2001 Intern at Shodor Education Foundation, Durham, NC.
2005 - 2009 Staff programmer, Web and Graphics Mentor Shodor Education Foundation, Durham, NC.
2008 Designed new Neurons in Action 2 Web pages.
Designed and maintains several websites:
Glass Music International Performances in Boston, MA 1997 and Philadelphia, 2000
1993 - 1997 College Light Opera Co., Falmouth, MA
1993 - 1996? NC Boys Choir, Durham, NC including multistate tour concerts
1994 - 2001 Duke String School, Durham, NC, including Christmas performance in White House 2000
2003 - 18th Cours International de Musique, Morge, Switzerland
2004 - Summer in pit orchestra for College Light Orchestra Company, Falmouth, Ma
2004 - December 8: Senior Cello Recital at Middlebury college
2005 - - Cellist in Chapel Hill Pharmonia
2008 - 2010 Board of Chapel Hill Pharmonia
2009 - - Graduate School in composition